At its core Itamae San: the Sushi Game is a celebration of the courage to just go for it. There is a deliberate openness to the gameplay, and a friendliness to the artwork, not to mention a love story behind its origins.
Innocence; Naïveté; YOLO. These are all words which inform its character. You might think “that explains a lot” when you note that the main typeface in Itamae San’s logo is a riff on old, German fonts from the 15th and 16th centuries. And you would be correct. You also might be throwing shade. I don’t know. It’s hard to read your body language from over here.
So while I can’t tell if you meant that comment disparagingly, I can tell you all about the typography of Itamae San, why I chose the typefaces I chose (and maybe give you some time to think about your attitude, and if that's the kind of energy you want to be bringing into the world). Because “YOLO” not only informs Itamae San’s character, but also its characters.